Volunteer Spotlight

Discovering Community, Making Connections

Sharing your volunteers stories, experiences, and interests with the community.

Volunteer Spotlight

Welcome to Volunteer Spotlight

Welcome to our Volunteer Spotlight feature.

Our community is greatly supported by dazzling volunteers and we want to provide the opportunity to share the personal stories, experiences, and interests behind these amazing individuals.

We aim to spotlight the rich lives our volunteers lead, especially in regards to their volunteering endeavors 

Barb Dodd

Barb Dodd had always wanted to devote more time to volunteering within the Lethbridge community, but being a busy mom raising kids, helping with the PTA, and working did not leave her enough time for all of the volunteer work she wanted to do. However, volunteering is in her blood, … Read more

Veronica Panich

Veronica has been volunteering with LSCO for 8 years doing dishes, food prep, bingos, and (more recently) sitting on the Board of Directors. She considers LSCO to be her second family and loves to watch the groups of seniors coming together here at the center to find a sense of … Read more

Jon Joyce

Jon and his partner in crime, Toby the dog, have been volunteering for LSCO for about a year now as regular drivers for the Meals on Wheels program. Jon moved from Ontario last year where he also volunteered with a community Meals on Wheels program there. Before that, Jon drove … Read more

Vonda Giroux

Vonda has been volunteering at LSCO since July of 2023 when her daughter told her that she should get out of the house and meet people — something Vonda took to heart. Since then, she’s become an indispensable member of our volunteer team filling any shifts she can, preparing meals … Read more


Many of the programs at LSCO are run with the help of wonderful and dedicated volunteers. As a show of appreciation, we wanted to highlight one of our many hardworking volunteers. Jerry has been an LSCO volunteer since 2019. After taking a break to be a caregiver to his mom, … Read more

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