Getting Started

Qualifying for Service
You qualify for service if you:
- 60 years of age + OR under 60 receiving AISH or Income Support with a disability or illness
- Live in the City of Lethbridge (no delivery to the City of Lethbridge outskirts)
- Unable to prepare meals or access a grocery store or meals in local Senior Centres
- Please Note, In Unique circumstances, temporary services are available to adults recovering from illness, injury, or surgery
Fill out the sign up form and return by email to or by mail.

Provide Information
Our staff will need the following information:
- All your contact information
- Your most recent Notice of Assessment from your income tax (specifically line 15000). Can be mailed, dropped off or sent with a volunteer on the first meal delivery day.
- Emergency contact person and their full information (preferably a family member or person who is able to contact you if we are unable to)
- Your dietary restrictions including medical conditions/restrictions or allergies

Accept Service and Choose Meals
When you accept service you agree:
- to pay for the meals on a monthly basis (payment made by cash, cheque, Visa/ MasterCard, or etransfer)
- to accept at least 4 meals over a 2 week period before discontinuing
- to give at least 2 working days notice to cancel a meal
- to provide a safe delivery environment for volunteers.
More Than Just a Meal
We have a deep, positive impact within the City of Lethbridge. The people we serve can remain in their homes and maintain a sense of independence.
Our volunteers deliver kindness through daily social contact while informally monitoring the health and well-being of the people we serve. With our delivery promise, we offer peace of mind to family members.
People using our service report physical and mental well-being because of the nutritious meals and the daily contact with our volunteers.

Meals and Menu
Meals are packaged in biodegradable, disposable containers. Information on how to store and reheat meals will be sent on the first meal delivery day. Meals are delivered 5 days a week, with frozen meals available for the weekend. Meal options include: Diabetic, certain doctor perscribed diets, ground/minced food, sandwich and/or salad add ons.
Each standard meal includes:

Pasta/ Potato/ Rice

Cooked various ways

Different each day

Diabetic and Non-Diabetic
Changes to Orders
Meals On Wheels customers are asked to provide two business days’ notice when signing up for meals, amending orders or canceling the service.
The menu is sent out in advance with meals at the end of the month. You can also find the menu in the LCSO Times or online.

The LSCO subsidizes meal costs to make the program more accessible. Meal costs are based on line 15000 of an individuals income tax or Notice of Assessment.
Income Below $29,010 - $8.25/ Meal
Income Between $269,011 - $33,410 - $9.50/ Meal
Income Above $33,410 - $12.25 / Meal
Billing & Payment Procedures
LSCO will bill for services monthly unless otherwise specified. We accept cash, cheque, debit, Mastercard, Visa, or etransfer (please include the invoice number in the memo).
Payment is due within 30 days after issuance of invoice. If payment is not received within the specified time, the LSCO also reserves the right to:
- Cancel existing orders
- Refuse new orders;
- Assess interest charges of 1.5% per month for payments between 31-90 days overdue and 3.5% per month for any payment overdue by more than 90 days
Changes to billing and payment information must be provided in writing to the finance department before the 15th of the month. The LSCO is not responsible for late or missed payments due to incorrect billing information.
Our Impact
"My husband has dementia and I take care of him at home. It was getting so hard for me to cook for him every day. We have been getting meals for a few months now and add a salad to our meals. I finally feel like I am feeding him the proper food and not as worried about what I am going to cook for him. I appreciate the delicious meals and want the volunteers to know they make a difference in my life 5 days a week"
~Meals on Wheels Client
Thank You To Our Community Champions!

Our Need
Every meal is provided for less than the cost for us to cook, package and deliver it. We are able to do this because of spectacular donors who support the Meals on Wheels Program.
Please consider donating to keep this vital service accessible and sustainable.

Contact Us
Phone: 403-327-7990
Fax: 403-320-2762
500 11th Street South, Lethbridge, AB T1J 4G7