Who We Are
The Seniors System Navigators are a specialized branch of the Seniors Community Services Partnership, a collaboration between three older adult serving agencies: Lethbridge Family Services, Nord-Bridge Seniors Centre, and Lethbridge Senior Citizens Organization.
Who We Can Help
- Residents of Lethbridge and individuals from out of the area can be assisted over the phone, by email or in our office
- 60+ Individuals (55+ will be considered on an individual basis)
- Family or community members seeking information about older adults resources
- Individuals needing short term support Individuals with less complex needs
This program is free to use and is funded through donations, public and private grants, the City of Lethbridge and FCSS.

This program is free to use and is funded through donations, public and private grants, the City of Lethbridge and FCSS.
How We Can Help
Whether you require information and referrals, short-term case management, or outreach support, we are here to assist you every step of the way. Our team understands the complexities of navigating the systems and services available to older adults. With empathy and understanding, we can help you access the resources and assistance you need.
We can provide support in the following areas: financial, housing, legal, abuse, income tax, physical health, mental health, mobility, transportation, family dynamics, home service and repair, food, and more.
We value and support you without judgement. 1-1 and group support are also offered to help instill positive coping skills, reduce stress and improve the quality of life
If you are unable to come to any of the agencies who provide Seniors System Navigation, our team can even meet you in your home or another comfortable community location.
We are knowledgeable on older adult specific resources and will connect you with other programs and services that may help you.
We can meet you and members of your health care team (doctor, home care case manager) for important appointments/ discussions and support you to ensure your needs are considered
We offer a variety of information sessions and workshops to help increase awareness and understanding of older adults related issues
Note: We are not a crisis service.
Our Values
We value each person as a unique individual. The services we offer draw from each individual’s strengths and reflect cultural, spiritual and personal preferences throughout their life journey.
We value an individual’s right to make their own decisions. This includes:
- Accepting or refusing the services offered
- Negotiating service arrangements from available resources
- Taking risks that may not align with professional recommendations
We value involvement from family, friends, and/or informal support.
We value partnerships with community agencies. Collaboration between individuals, families, community partners results in the delivery of people centred services.
All support is individualized, senior centered and aligned with population specific best practices.