Heidi Brandt

Heidi Brandt is a very new member of LSCO. Still learning about all that LSCO offers, she is excited about carefully “getting her feet wet.” She currently volunteers at the Boutique and has joined the needlework group.

Born in Augsburg, Germany, she and her family immigrated to Canada in 1960. Her father was concerned about a possible third World War so he wanted to get his family away from it; Heidi was a young child, but she remembers the rough ocean waters as they traversed by ship. The family first went to Calgary, and then moved to Lethbridge in 1962. Her father ran a European meat and sausage shop in Lethbridge until the family moved to the Crowsnest Pass.

Heidi received all of her formal education in Canada and had to learn English when she first came. She had some difficulties with her elementary grades, a result of being physically and verbally bullied by other children; but fortunately, this diminished once she got to junior high school. Although she found her German heritage to be a burden in her younger years, she is proud to be of German descent now and is still fluent in the German language.

Heidi trained at Lethbridge College in Hospitality, Marketing, and Small Business. She has a wide range of employment experience including in the hotel, marketing, child care, and property management industry. She became very knowledgeable about Crowsnest Pass history as she enjoyed her job at the Frank Slide Interpretive Centre very much. She is still interested in gainful employment, but only if it meets her interests and physical competencies. Heidi has lived in a variety of places in Western Canada and most recently returned to Lethbridge six months ago from Fort St. John, B.C and is quite happy to be back in Lethbridge.

Heidi has one daughter who is a social worker who also resides in Lethbridge. She says that her daughter has helped her learn to cook Canadian. She also has some extended family in Brooks. A woman of many talents and interests, Heidi enjoys scrapbooking and altering clothing. She also learned to do small renovation jobs from her father. She likes to read and loves animals; As a child, she thought that she might work with animals, but it never came to fruition for her. She also builds floral arrangements, especially from recyclable materials; she produced her own show in this field and would love to recreate something similar at LSCO. This writer saw photos of some of her creations and was very impressed. Heidi also enjoys cooking; she is very good at making tasty Danishes and Beef Rouladen with Rotcole. She also played sports, but is currently more interested in walking or light hiking. Heidi’s music preferences vary from the Eagles and Fleetwood Mac, to Whitney Houston, George Strait, and the Rolling Stones.

Heidi’s most memorable learnings from her father were: “think before you speak” and “do not be quick to judge”. She believes
these lessons have held her in good stead. She is always open and willing to learn, but also feels that she might have some skills to share with other members. We gladly welcome Heidi to the LSCO, a friendly and warm person who feels comfortable talking with anyone!

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