Vonda Giroux

Vonda has been volunteering at LSCO since July of 2023 when her daughter told her that she should get out of the house and meet people — something Vonda took to heart.

Since then, she’s become an indispensable member of our volunteer team filling any shifts she can, preparing meals for the
Meals on Wheels program, washing dishes, and prepping the food for the diner, but also doing anything else asked of her. After all, as she says, “I don’t like to be bored!”

While it was the social aspect of volunteering that brought her to LSCO, the chance to meet new people, make a difference in her community, and enjoy a purpose to the day are what keep her coming back.

In fact, working in the kitchen has become something she’s excited to do. Vonda genuinely looks forward to waking up at 6:00am on those days she comes to volunteer because she enjoys the experience so much! It is important to be of service to the community which is something Vonda strongly believes in. “Volunteering makes you feel good,” she says, and it means a
lot to her to be able to help with the food preparation for Meals on Wheels especially because she finds it meaningful and a
privilege to be able to truly help those in need.

Having experienced what it’s like to not have enough help with things, Vonda always makes it a point to go above and beyond in her volunteering by helping with extra cleaning, dishes, meal prep, and events. She is also a mentor to other volunteers, assisting with their training and helping them to feel welcome and part of the team.

Truly, Vonda is one of our bright stars here at LSCO; we are grateful to have her here, and happy that the volunteer experience
has been so positive for her.

To nominate a volunteer for the spotlight series, contact the volunteer team.