Dance & Zumba


Creative Arts | Exercise Classes |Dance &  Zumba | Yoga & Tai Chi | Sports | Groups & Clubs | Online Registration

For personal safety, individuals must complete a Waiver, Par Q, & PARmed-X Forms (if required). At times programs may be cancelled due to meetings, rentals, holidays, low attendance, special events, etc. Please watch for notices.

A body in motion tends to stay in motion, whereas a body at rest tends to stay at rest.

Important things to know:

• Please do not arrive more than 10 minutes prior to the start of your class.
• Dress in layers as the temperature of rooms vary.
• At the end of class please gather your belongings and exit so that the room can be prepared for the next class and you can enjoy a post exercise coffee, tea, etc. in the Dining Room
• Please complete an Exercise/Fitness Waiver available at the Reception Desk.


This class is intended for those who have taken a beginner dance class, and/or have some line dance experience and are comfortable dancing to faster music. Less time will be spent on reviewing and more dancing will occur. Come dance like no one is watching!! Guys are welcome too! Space is limited, register early.
When: Wednesdays, May 1 – June 26
Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm
Fee: $45 LSCO M; $54 NM
Instructor: Gloria-Rose Puurveen
Location: Gym 2


If you love music and dancing however, have never line danced before (or maybe just a little) and want to learn, this class is for you. Gloria-Rose will teach you basic line dances. Guys are welcome too. Wear comfortable indoor footwear, cool clothing and bring a water bottle. Minimum 8 people to run class.
When: Wednesdays, May 1 – June 26
Time: 12:45 – 1:45 pm
Fees: $45 LSCO M; $54 NM
Instructor: Gloria-Rose Puurveen
Location: Gym 2


This easy to follow, fun class lets you move your body at your own speed. It is an invigorating class held to upbeat music that provides modified, low impact moves for active older adults. You will be sure to have a great time. Wear comfortable clothes, indoor footwear and bring a water bottle.
Session 2
When: Tuesdays, June 4 – 25
Time: 11:15 am – 12:00 pm
Fee: $28 LSCO M; $36 NM
Instructor: Sheila Mulgrew
Location: All Purpose Room


This class combines the best of both Zumba Gold (dance fitness without weights) for 1/2 of the class and Zumba Gold Toning, the other 1/2 of the class (using the handheld toning sticks to focus on muscle toning and conditioning, to help increase your strength and bone density). Truly exercise in disguise!! Wear comfortable clothes, footwear and bring a water bottle.

Session 2
When: Thursdays, June 6 – 27
Time: 11:15 am – 12:00 pm
Fee: $28 LSCO M; $36 NM
Instructor: Sheila Mulgrew
Location: All Purpose Room

Last updated: May 31, 2024