Ayoola Arimde

Ayoola is one of our new youth summer volunteers. She is currently a grade 12 student. She is incredibly ambitious and is taking summer
school classes. One of her classes has a component called “Faith in Action” where the students are asked to go out into the community and use their talents and abilities to help others through volunteer work with a not-for-profit organization. Ayoola chose LSCO as her placement; she is very friendly and hard working and we couldn’t be more happy to have her here with us.

Ayoola said that the best part about her experience so far here at LSCO is the people. She emphasized, “I love how nice they are, and I like
hearing their stories about their lives and experiences. It just makes this place such a great environment”.

Ayoola has wonderful stories to share too. For example, Ayoola was born in Toronto, Ontario. She lived in Toronto until after preschool, then she moved with her family to Nigeria. In Nigeria she finished Grades 1 through 4; after which, they moved back to Toronto for grade
5 before settling in Lethbridge the following year. She will be graduating High School next year. In her free time, Ayoola said she likes to “play tennis, hang out with friends, go to the mall, watch movies, try new restaurants, and sometimes work out.” If Ayoola won a million
dollars, she would buy her dream house, and maybe a car too.

When asked about what motivates her to volunteer, Ayoola acknowledged that she has all the things she could wish for. She said, “It’s me wanting to… And even though I can do so little, I can still help by volunteering or helping people through stuff. It just makes me happier
because I’m not just doing it for myself, but I’m doing it for other people.” Ayoola has a great attitude to be around. Giving back truly does help the receiver and the giver.

Ayoola says it is her dad who inspires her. She explains, “He is always pushing me to be better, especially experience wise – he is always pushing me to try new things or do better in certain things. He motivates me and gives me advice.” Ayoola’s Dad must be so proud of
her. Ayoola has jumped both feet into multiple volunteer roles. She has volunteered in the kitchen washing dishes, and helping with Meals on Wheels food prep, as well as one of our first “Greeters” in our new volunteer opportunity.

We could all learn so much from Ayoola’s response to what she would say to someone who is considering volunteering, “Just do it, because
you never know what could really happen. For me, for instance, I didn’t know if I wanted to volunteer, but it was a mandatory thing, and
I did it. Just come with an open mindset because you definitely learn a lot of things, whether it’s experience or stories.” This was such a
heartwarming response. It was such a pleasure to get to learn more about Ayoola.

We have been enjoying getting to know our volunteers through our monthly spotlight. Please reach out to Bonnie at bjensen@lethseniors.
com or at the Support Services desk to nominate a volunteer for our future monthly spotlights.

Blayne Thomas

Blayne has been volunteering for LSCO for many years. Currently Blayne helps out in the dining room and kitchen supporting the staff by washing down tables, wiping out the Meals on Wheels cooler bags, and putting away dishes. Blayne is dedicated to his role, and he is always willing to lend a helping hand.

Blayne is a happy guy. He always greets everyone with a great big smile. Blayne inspires those around him. Not only does he inspire us, he also feels inspired by many of the great people in his life, past and present. Blayne would like to recognize his friends and family –specifically his sister, Jill, and her family, Rob Miyashiro, the Executive Director here at the LSCO, his friends at the ARC, his keyworker, his roommate Jim, and his really good buddy, Wayne, from junior high who Blayne says “he was like my brother I never had”.

Blayne’s favourite thing about volunteering is all the people. All the people he sees that he knows, and all the people he gets to meet.
When Blayne isn’t volunteering, he is spending time with his family – he loves being an uncle. Blayne likes to tease and be teased. He said, “If they give me a hard time, I give them a hard time right back.” Blayne also enjoys playing cards. Blayne really enjoys volunteering and thinks other people should give it a try too. He said, “If you give back into it a little bit, and you like it, why not do it! Don’t stop! Just
keep on going.”

Thanks Blayne for all you support here at LSCO.

Joanne and Ben Lydom

Joanne and Ben have been volunteering with LSCO for over two decades now. Like many of our wonderful volunteers, Joanne and Ben are committed and dependable. They truly love to give of their time and share their talents with LSCO. They believe that one of the most important things LSCO does for people is giving them the space to get out and meet others, socialize, then later at home they will have a good memory of what they did.
In the past Joanne and Ben have volunteered in the Kitchen. They were also regular Meals on Wheels volunteers until just recently when Ben sustained an injury; however, Ben is getting a bit better with each passing day. When he is ready Joanne and Ben would like to deliver Meals on Wheels again.
Joanne continues to keep busy with her other weekly volunteer role with LSCO at Winner’s Bingo helping raise essential funding. Joanne not only volunteers at Winner’s Bingo for LSCO but other charities too! She is truly remarkable. Joanne puts it beautifully when she said she volunteers because, “It feels good. It’s more for me. It helps me rather than somebody else as it gives me a feeling of accomplishment and something I’m proud to do… It feeds me. It is what I need to do.”
Ben’s favourite thing about volunteering is “the feeling you get”. It truly is a great feeling, isn’t it?!
It has been lovely getting to know Joanne and Ben. They both have a wonderful sense of humour as they joked around about how their daughter inspires them to get out and go shopping when she comes to visit. But in all seriousness, they truly feel inspired by their daughter, who is a go getter, and passes on her great energy to them. Joanne said, “She knows how to get you going.”.
To those in the community thinking about volunteering, Joanne and Ben suggest, “Do it! Give it a try.”, “You gotta try!” Joanne says her motto is, “You get what you give” – Joanne and Ben are true to this inspiring motto. Joanne said, “It’s not about the free lunch, it’s about feeding the soul”.
Thank you, Joanne and Ben. We here at LSCO feel fortunate to have you as volunteers. We feel equally lucky to have so many other
wonderful volunteers on our volunteer team and we will continue to be spotlighting volunteers monthly.

If you would like to nominate a volunteer for the monthly spotlight, please contact our volunteer coordinator, Bonnie at 403-320-2222 ext 202 or by email at [email protected]

Income Tax Volunteers

Meet some of our Team of Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP) Volunteers, Eleanor Doerksen, Carmen Gfrerer, Pat
Kincade, and Corrie Krueger. These committed volunteers have spent the months of March and April actively filing over 400 tax
files for low income members of our community and surrounding areas and we cannot thank them enough for their wonderful
support in helping LSCO offer this program.

Q: How long have you been volunteering with LSCO?

Eleanor: I’ve been preparing tax returns since 2015, maybe 2016.
Carmen: Approximately 1 month.
Pat: I have been doing volunteer income tax for 15 years at LSCO. I have done it professionally in the past and when the opportunity came along to take the training and become a volunteer, I was excited to do so.
Corrie: This is my 2nd year.

Q: What motivates you to be a volunteer?

Eleanor: Volunteering is one way to help others. It also is a benefit for me as it keeps me out in the community, meeting people, using my brain.
Carmen: I understand the benefits for low-income individuals and seniors to have their income taxes completed and access all the income they are eligible for. Having a company do simple tax returns can be very expensive for those on a fixed or limited income. Since I very much enjoy tax preparation, I figured I could give back in this simple way.
Pat: I love the challenge of doing income tax returns.
Corrie: It feeds my soul to volunteer!

Q: What’s your favourite thing about volunteering?

Eleanor: Volunteering helps me feel useful.
Carmen: Knowing I can use my skill to make someone’s life a little bit easier.
Pat: I love the people I meet.
Corrie: It not only feeds my soul, but it helps someone else out.

Q: Who influenced or inspired you to volunteer and/or give back to others?

Eleanor: Another accounting technician with whom I worked at MNP retired a year before I did and started preparing tax returns under
the CVITP at the Norbridge Seniors Centre. She encouraged me to join her. When I retired the following year, I decided that I would also prepare tax returns for low income people, but chose to do so at LSCO.
Carmen: My mother-in-law has always valued community and taught me the importance of giving back. She has a way of lighting up a room and making others feel special and I hope to pass a little of that light on myself.
Pat: There was a bridge player named Jack, who I played bridge with. Jack also did income tax and that is how I learned about the
program and became a registered volunteer. He was always working on returns (paper in those days) during bridge and so I asked
questions about how to become involved.
Corrie: I had an amazing soccer coach in my teens who showed me how fun volunteering was and how much he got out of it. He inspired me by showing how enjoyable it was!

We could not do what we do here at LSCO without our volunteers — These amazing Income Tax volunteers truly make a remarkable difference as they carried us through the income tax season.

LSCO Gym Closure 2024

LSCO Gyms will be closed in August for floor resurfacing. 

Gym 1: August 6 – September 2, 2024

Gym 2: August 6 – August 21, 2024

**** These dates are tentative and reopening dates are subject to change without notice based on the pace of the project****

LSCO July 2024 Construction

LSCO Parking Lot Access Moved Temporarily

Due to watermain renewal, regular access to the LSCO Parking Lot will be blocked June 24 – July 26 (approx.) During that time, the gate between LSCO & the City Hall Parking Lot will be open. You can access the LSCO Parking Lot through the City Hall Lot on Stafford Drive (look for the blue sign with an arrow).

Live updates from the City can be found here.

Millie Shewchuk

Millie Shewchuk was born on Fair Island, a small island community off of Newfoundland. She recalls life being rather simple there as they could only grow the basics like potatoes, cabbages, and carrots in their small garden. She attended primary school on the Island before the government moved families off the small islands around Newfoundland as winter services were limited when the sea froze over.

Millie’s dad was agreeable to such a move so his children could be more conveniently located to educational and medical services; she appreciates that he was progressive in this regard in order to create more opportunities for his children.

Their family home was moved to the mainland area called Centreville. Other families soon followed and it became a small new village. Her father was a seasonal cod fisherman, and a hunter during the winters. Her mother was a full time homemaker who also helped her father bring in the cod. As a child, Millie never felt the need to complain about their meals as she was fed a steady supply of fish and moose.  She has many positive memories about playing in the fresh outdoors with her 6 half-siblings and 6 full siblings

As a teenager looking for new adventures, Millie moved to the city of Gander, Newfoundland. She worked in hotels where she met her future ‘Prairie boy’ husband, Rick who was stationed there as part of his ice patrols, all over northern Canada. After they married, they lived in Yellowknife for over 4 years where Rick worked in the weather office. They later moved to Lethbridge in 1973 where Rick continued his work in the weather office here. Millie recalls that they arrived during a Chinook and acclimatized to Lethbridge very easily. Millie worked at Southland Nursing Home and St. Mike’s before she retired from paid employment about 10 years ago

They had 3 children, 5 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren. They lost their two adult daughters some years ago and she describes the experience as a “life changing nightmare” to live through. The rest of her family live close by in Calgary and Innisfail. Many of her extended family are still in Newfoundland. Millie tries to get back to Newfoundland every other year for a month or two. She loves to visit Fair Island, where many of her family members still have holiday ‘cabins’. She also has some extended family in St. John’s.

Millie is a dedicated LSCO food service volunteer and can regularly be found serving lunch meals; she believes that volunteering here is “good therapy” for her as it makes her “happy” and brings her “pleasure”. Her favourite meals are a Turkey dinner and Beef stew.

She enjoys watching golf and rooting for the Blue Jays. She also enjoys listening to easy and classical music, Irish folk music and jigs, she attributes her love for music to her very musical family. She spends the remainder of her time trying to improve her fitness with LSCO’s fitness programs and classes. Millie also likes to read non-fiction stories and history (e.g. WWII , the holocaust).

Millie believes that “what goes around, comes around” and that “family is everything”. She is most proud of her children and her adult granddaughter. As a result of her upbringing, she believes in “doing things for people”; she tries to give of herself and be “kind”. And she always believes, “the best is yet to come.”

Be sure to look for Millie’s friendly, happy face at the kitchen volunteers’ table in the dining room.

Mary Lancaster & Rosemary Howard

There are some famous pairs in the world: Holmes & Watson, Tweedledum & Tweedledee, Tom & Jerry etc. These pairs are instantly recognizable to us or among the circles or groups they frequent. The LSCO isn’t exempt from this experience as we have been blessed with our very own famous duo: “The Library Ladies”- Rosemary Howard and Mary Lancaster.

Acquaintances before they started volunteering together at the LSCO library about 5 years ago, the twosome have become good workmates ever since. They can always be found at the Library on Tuesdays from 9-12 and are especially glad that the activity around the Library has significantly increased ever since the Library was moved across the main hallway.

It surprises no one to learn that they are both voracious readers. However, neither belong to a Book Club as they cherish the freedom to choose their own reading material. Rosemary prefers biographies and autobiographies while Mary prefers murder mysteries and non-fiction.

The ‘Library Ladies’ always look forward to their weekly commitment to the Library as they enjoy tending to the donations of books, puzzles, DVDs, and CDs that come to the Library from members and friends of the LSCO.

Given the fact that they were “on the same page” when it came to their volunteerism and what they hoped to achieve for the library, they were eager to develop an organizational system which is currently in place. Fiction, Non-fiction, Auto/biographies, and Large Print books-these are the main categories that govern their catalogue. The Library’s September Free Book Giveaway refreshes the collection; and any funds put in the Donation Box are appreciated and go towards benefiting LSCO programs such as Meals on Wheels.

A former volunteer coordinator had the fantastic idea to involve this dynamic duo with ticket sales, raffles, and other special projects (e.g. Christmas dinners, Mother’s Day functions, St Pat’s Day pubs, BBQs). This has led to varying volunteering commitments that has given them the opportunity to promote ideas that enhance the organization.

Rosemary began her LSCO experience prior to her retirement, as she started taking Chair Yoga classes in 2016. She has been an LSCO member for 9 years. In 2017, she retired from her 44 year career at the University of Lethbridge as a Library Technician; she especially enjoyed the international aspect that inter-library loans brought to her role.

An “air force brat” from a family of 8 children, she was born in Duncan, B.C. Her family came to Taber in 1968 for her Dad’s career. She obtained a B.A. in History from the UofL in 1972. She thanks her Dad for promoting higher education and her lifelong interest in learning.

Mary began her LSCO membership 5 years ago; she was still working part-time, but taking Tai Chi and other fitness classes. She is a true Lethbridge native, born and raised and graduated from CCHS.

Mary and her husband have one daughter who lives and works in Oman. Her daughter is her greatest source of pride because she is a strong, independent woman. Mary always looks forward to her regular visits so she can ply her with the specialties of home. She spends her ‘off’ hours keeping very busy in her flower garden, doing various needlecrafts, puzzles, and watching TV/ Youtube.

Between the two, their favourite meals are roast beef dinners, popcorn, and a traditional turkey dinner. They both enjoy 50’s-70’s Rock and Roll music, but one prefers Country & Western, while the other prefers Classical music. If you are curious who might share your preferences, you will have to stop by the Library to meet the Ladies.

Mary describes Rosemary as being “open to do anything” and a great friend while Rosemary describes Mary as the “idea lady” with a great sense of humor. They make quite a pair and are a gift to LSCO, quietly going about their tasks that keep the organization running smoothly.

They would always like us to remember: “Reading is to the mind, as exercise is to the body”.

If you would be like to be the next member featured, please fill out this form.

Keith Sumner

Keith is currently the President of the LSCO Executive Board; He has been the President since 2017 when he first joined the Board. He was ‘nudged’ into the organization by Charlie Brown, a prior president of the organization.

Keith views the Board as planners for the long term goals of the organization. He believes that the LSCO is not just a “membership club”, but an organization that can and performs many roles for individuals in the community regardless of their membership status. This he believes is achieved with the variety of services the LSCO provides, be it Meals on Wheels, fitness programs & opportunities, etc.

He is a strong believer in “succession planning” as he does expect to turn the reins over to another member in due course. This is why he is doing his best to recruit new board members as much as possible.

Keith had a successful 37 year career in the Alberta Public Service with the Alberta Consumer and Corporate Affairs Ministry before he left paid employment 9 years ago. He describes his time with the Consumer Protection Legislation as “very satisfying”.

Keith is relatively ‘new’ to Lethbridge, having lived here for the past 29 years. He says that “Lethbridge has been good to me.” But Keith has also been good to this community. He has been able to contribute to the community in various ways. For example, he was a charter member of the local Dragon Boat Festival. Keith has also been involved with the Board of the South Country Treatment Centre. He also represented the Seniors sector in the City’s Economic Development efforts and found the experience to be very interesting and rewarding.

A favorite saying of Keith’s is “ The only real sin is not allowing a person to experience the consequences of their decisions.”

Keith enjoys ice cream and still savors the memories of his mother’s lemon meringue pie. He loves music from the 80’s and is an avid CBC listener. He prefers to read digitally, especially newspapers. He also spends his personal time exploring yoga and meditation.

Keith wants members to know that he is “approachable” and would appreciate being taken up on this if you see him around the Centre.

If you would be like to be the next member featured, please fill out this form.

Judy Holmes

As a typical retiree who tries to keep very active with a variety of commitments, Judy began her journey at LSCO when she signed up for Pound and Zumba. Classes she still enjoys when they fit into her busy schedule.

Judy’s father was an Austrian immigrant, while her mother’s family originated from Odessa. She was born in Taber and mostly grew up in Hays where she attended up to Grade 9.  She then moved on to Grade 10 in Vauxhall, and finished up her high school education in Lethbridge when her family moved again the following year. She has five siblings who were born in Saskatchewan, Medicine Hat and Taber.

Judy’s parents operated a radio show in Saskatchewan. This led her and her siblings to become very involved in music. She and two of them learnt to sing and play musical instruments from a very young age. She started competing in talent shows and became known as a successful ‘child’ singer. She fondly remembers the first song she ever performed publicly “Rye Whiskey”.

At the age of 6, she and her Dad’s accordion shot to the top spot at a talent show and won a monetary prize. By the age of 10, Judy was singing front and centre in a touring 4-person country music band; the band played in the Rolling Hills, Vauxhall, and Brooks areas. She really enjoyed this time of her life and is glad that she had the full support of her family to encourage her talent and passion. She recalls Saturday nights where family, neighbors, and friends would gather with their musical instruments and a great time would be had by all. She had hoped/thought that she would eventually go on to have a career in music but, life happened.

After Grade 11, Judy married Ken and they moved to Kitimat, where he worked as an electrician. They went on to live in Kamloops and Sparwood, where they started their family and had three daughters. They moved their family to Lethbridge where Ken worked for his Dad and eventually took over the business in 1990.

To Judy, having to juggle marriage, family, and becoming business owners meant a very hectic, but rewarding lifestyle. In 2001, they initiated Holmes Eco-Water and she feels good that this provided them the opportunity to hire reliable employees that were challenged in most other types of work. Judy retired from the business three years ago.

Always the active athlete, Judy played baseball and volleyball as a youngster. She and Ken were even involved in a family slow-pitch team for several years until their daughters’ activities took over. Judy and Ken are also avid curlers, they have twice been Provincial winners and they went to Canadian Nationals twice, once winning a bronze.

Judy still loves and enjoys all kinds of music and she always tries to make it a constant factor in her life. She has even been to the Los Angeles Opera production of ‘Evita’. Thus far, she has led one grandchild to music and he is helping her learn to read music. The family enjoys listening and singing along to old albums on the record player. She thoroughly enjoys karaoke, but hasn’t quite found the time yet to join the LSCO club. She still picks up her accordion and guitar to play for her own entertainment whenever she has the time.

According to Judy, she tries to remember that “life is short and to enjoy every moment!” She has been a volunteer at the LSCO Diner for about a year now and can be found there at least once per week doing food service. She also enjoys her volunteer fundraising work with the West Lethbridge Lions Club.

She and Ken love to travel to meet up with friends. Some of their favorite destinations are Mexico and Hawaii. Judy also enjoys reading, taking care of her four grandchildren, attending their sport events, and generally keeping busy.

She and Ken celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in 2023 and she is happy to report that they still enjoy each others’ company. Judy says she is most proud of her family, especially her four grandchildren.

A relatively new LSCO member, Judy is an accomplished addition to the cadre of its committed volunteers . Thanks Judy, and Welcome!