Your voice matters. Protect your CPP.

The CPP is Canada’s national retirement plan. It’s designed to provide a foundation for millions of Canadians to build their retirement.
Right now, conversations are taking place about the potential of withdrawing from the CPP. It’s an important decision for Albertans, with implications for all Canadians.
CPP Investments, the independent, non-partisan, global investment management organization responsible for investing the CPP Fund, has launched a new online resource to support the conversation, and help residents make an informed choice about their future.
Today, the CPP is well-funded, resilient, and financially sustainable for generations to come, despite rapidly aging populations and longer life expectancies.

What’s at stake if Alberta leaves the CPP?

What makes the CPP one of the best in the world?

CPP Investments has a clear mandate to maximize returns without taking unnecessary risks, independent from government interference. Our diversified portfolio has achieved a 10-year net rate of return of 9.3% – a proven track record of performance surpassing many of our domestic and global peers.

  • The CPP is safe. When it comes to pensions, there is strength in numbers. Pooling contributions from more than 22 million Canadians helps protect the CPP Fund from market volatility and changing demographics.
  •  The CPP Fund is resilient and well diversified. The CPP Fund is invested in Canada and in more than 50 countries. It holds assets in many sectors, such as Alberta oil and gas, ports in the United States, and toll roads in Australia. The investment returns we generate abroad are brought back to pay pension benefits in Canada.
  • The CPP is portable. Since its creation nearly 60 years ago, the CPP guarantees full portability across every province and in almost 60 countries, allowing you to access your pension wherever you live.
  • The CPP is financially sustainable. Independent experts have concluded the CPP is financially sustainable for generations to come. That means you, your children, and grandchildren can rely on the CPP for security in retirement.
  • The CPP Fund is independent from government. The CPP Fund is managed by investment professionals who invest the funds and maximize returns without taking excessive risk. Governments do not direct how or where the CPP Fund is invested.

You’ve worked hard to protect your financial future.
Protect your CPP.

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